It all started with a big box. Well, actually, a big idea.
The promise? More than 50,000 high paying jobs and billions in economic impact. The ask? “A city that is excited to work with us and where our customers, employees, and the community can all benefit.”
When our Chief Creative Officer Ford Wiles heard about Birmingham’s interest in responding to Amazon’s RFP for their new HQ2, he knew there was a huge opportunity for Birmingham to join the national conversation. Within days, a group of passionate civic leaders across the region gathered together to capitalize on a once-in-a-lifetime chance for the Magic City.
Those conversations ultimately led to BringAtoB – a campaign that sought to unite our citizens around the mission of sending Amazon a message on why they should select Birmingham for HQ2. We had three weeks in front of us to fill and we couldn’t let momentum wane. We debuted the campaign with three larger-than-life sized boxes, shared some insanely creative user-generated content, and introduced two giant, live-tweeting Amazon Dash buttons along the way. Additionally, we worked with business leaders across the community to develop, design, and submit a 130-page response on behalf of the city of Birmingham and Jefferson County.
To date, the BringAtoB campaign has earned more than 500 million media impressions, garnered more than 4,600 social media followers and 1,000+ hashtag uses, and received nearly 6,000 website visits. We were quoted in Adweek and Bloomberg, and had our faces appear in USA Today.
The fun isn’t over yet. Amazon is rumored to make a decision by early 2018, and we’ll be finding new, fun ways to engage our fans until the official word is on the streets.
While Birmingham may or may not receive Amazon’s bid, the real win is watching how quickly our community can mobilize to spread the good word about what this city is capable of. There’s nothing but good news on Birmingham’s horizon, and we’re here every step of the way.